Water Stewardship Information Sources

Resource Name A summary of climate change effects on watershed hydrology
Unique File Number 54
Information Type Applied Research
Surface Water A
Aquatic Ecosystem A
Groundwater A
Groundwater & Surface Water A
Management for Natural & Industrial Hazards A
Strengths summary of general effects based on hydrologic processes
Limitations dated?
Outstanding Research Questions
Outstanding Research Questions
Information Subtype climate
Organization Ministry of Forests
Resource Name Pike et al. 2008. A summary of climate change effects on watershed hydrology. MFR EN 87.
Resource Purpose provides summary of expected climate change effects on watershed processes and hydrologic response
Type of Information report
How does this help decision making?
Program Status complete
NE Coverage provincial
Drinking Water
Public Safety
SW Quality Y
SW Quantity Y
Link http://www.pacificclimate.org/sites/default/files/publications/Pike.WatershedHydrologyEn87.Mar2008.pdf
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