Water Stewardship Information Sources

Resource Name Overview of the Montney Water Project
Unique File Number 371
Information Type applied Research
Surface Water a
Aquatic Ecosystem
Groundwater a
Groundwater & Surface Water
Management for Natural & Industrial Hazards
Strengths overview of Montney Water Project
Outstanding Research Questions
Outstanding Research Questions
Information Subtype hydrology
Organization Geoscience BC
Resource Name Brown, D.A. (2011): Over view of the Montney Wa ter Pro ject: a new Geoscience BC ini tia tive in north east ern Brit ish Co lum bia (NTS 093P, 094A, B); in Geoscience BC Sum mary of Ac tiv i ties 2010, Geoscience BC, Re port 2011-1, p.195–200.
Resource Purpose This pa per is an over view of Geoscience BC’s Montney Wa ter Pro ject (MWP), which is a col lab o ra tion be tween in -dus try, gov ern ment, com mu ni ties and stake holders to pro -vide a re gional over view of wa ter re sources in the Montney shale gas play area of north east ern Brit ish Co lum bia. The pro ject out comes are in tended to as sist the oil and gas in - dus try in lo cat ing and eval u at ing wa ter sources and waste fluid dis posal zones. In ad di tion, re sults will also be of value to pro vin cial and lo cal gov ern ments, com mu ni ties and other stake holders. The pro ject ob jec tives are to compile ex ist ing data, pro vide a syn op sis of knowl edge for all wa ter re sources from sur face to deep bed rock, and iden tify data and knowl edge gaps for fu ture re search and pro ject plan ning. Dur ing the ini tial phase, a num ber of hy dro log i -cal models will be assessed to determine their applicability in the region.
Type of Information article
How does this help decision making?
Program Status ongoing
NE Coverage ne BC specific
Drinking Water
Groundwater y
Public Safety
SW Quality
SW Quantity y
Link http://www.geosciencebc.com/i/pdf/SummaryofActivities2010/SoA2010_Brown.pdf
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