Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1772
Citation Connors, B.M.; Pickard, D.C.; Porter, M.; Farrell, G.; Bryan, K.; Casely, S.; Huang, S. (2013) Conservation Unit snapshots: Babine (enhanced) sockeye CU, Pacific Salmon Foundation Vancouver, BC.
Organization Pacific Salmon Foundation
URL http://salmonwatersheds.ca/library/lib_368/
Abstract/Description or Keywords Conservation Unit (CU) snapshots are short graphical reports which summarize key information on the state of salmon populations and their habitat.
This snapshot focuses on the Babine (enhanced) sockeye CU, and includes information on abundance trends, harvest levels, habitat pressures, overall biological status and more.
This snapshot is part of a larger project by the Pacific Salmon Foundation's Skeena Salmon Program that produced a snapshot for each salmon population in the Skeena Watershed.
biological status; spawner trends; smolt abundance; marine survival; stock-recruitment; productivity; habitat capacity; exploitation rate; age composition; run timing; survey streams; spawning areas; migration route; habitat pressures; proposed development; cumulative effects; indicators; benchmarks; Wild Salmon Policy; Strategy 1; Strategy 2.
Information Type Report
Regional Watershed Skeena River
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status
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