Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2781
Citation Sustainable Forest Management Plan, Canfor Kootenay Operations, Version 4.0, March 2015. Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Kootenay Operations.
Organization Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
URL https://canfor.com/docs/default-source/responsibility/draft-sfmp-april-30-available-for-review-comment.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Abstract/Description or Keywords Since the early 2000’s forest tenure holders ("licensees") operating in the East Kootenay have worked with members of the public, local stakeholders, Aboriginal representatives and Government Agencies to develop and implement a Sustainable Forest Management Plan (SFM Plan) for the Defined Forest Area (DFA). This SFM Plan addresses the increased size of the DFA, changes in forest condition, public, stakeholder, and Aboriginals input and local community values. Public participation, performance objectives, management systems, review of actions, monitoring of effectiveness, and continual improvement are cornerstone to the success of SFM. Through the public participation and expert advice, performance objectives were developed for the DFA to reflect local and regional interests. Compliance with existing forest policies, laws and regulations are the baseline requirements of the SFM Plan. This edition of the SFM Plan includes updated references to the applicable laws and regulations, as well as an updated suite of Criteria, Elements, Values, Objectives, Core indicators and targets that address the current environmental, economic and social conditions within the DFA. Both the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Sustainable Forest Management Requirements and Guidance (CSA Z809-08) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification (FSC-BC Oct. 2005) guide this SFM Plan. This SFM Plan localizes the implementation and monitoring of the criteria and indicators. The SFM Plan is a dynamic and evolving document that is to be reviewed and revised on a regular basis (approximately every 5 years). Canfor is committed to the monitoring of the indicators set out in the SFM Plan. On an annual basis stakeholders review and provide input with respect to annual reports prepared by Canfor in reference to the targets established for the indicators in the SFM plan. This monitoring process provides Canfor, the public, and Aboriginals with an opportunity to bring forward new information and to provide input concerning new or changing public, stakeholder, and Aboriginal values and interests that can be incorporated into future updates of the SFM Plan, both at the DFA and Timber Supply Area (TSA) level. This SFM Plan has been written appropriate to the scale and intensity of operations, is available to the public and is kept current.
Information Type Report
Regional Watershed Columbia River; Kootenay River; Spillimacheen River
Sub-watershed if known
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