Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2187
Citation Know Your Watershed
Organization wildsight
URL http://wildsight.ca/programs/knowyourwatershed/
Abstract/Description or Keywords Know Your Watershed, a regionally-based watershed education program delivered throughout the Columbia Basin, is a program of the Columbia Basin Trust and is administered and managed by Wildsight. The program is directly linked to the Grade 9 science curriculum. A skilled and passionate water education team made up of local professionals leads the program throughout the region. Students take part in two classroom sessions and a full-day field trip that increase their knowledge and awareness of their watersheds and water-related issues in their communities. Student Action Projects connect students with community-based water groups and water stewardship opportunities in the community, providing hands-on, practical ways to look after our precious water resources. The input and feedback from Know Your Watershed educators, classroom teachers, students, municipal water managers and community-based water groups continues to guide and refine the development of the program.
Information Type Project
Regional Watershed Columbia River
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status On-going
Contact Name
Contact Email