Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1753
Citation Columbia Basin Water Quality Project
Organization Columbia Basin Water Quality Project
URL http://cbwq.ca/
Abstract/Description or Keywords Columbia Basin Water Quality Project (CBWQ) is a citizen scientist project made up of non-profit partner groups who monitor their local watersheds. CBWQ has been administered and coordinated by Mainstreams Environmental Society in Kimberley since the inception of the project in 2007. The purpose of this project is to build the capacity of citizen-scientists in local watershed groups to monitor their water. This scientifically valid data from local streams provides important data to regional watershed managers, while empowering local citizens to understand their watersheds. CBWQ monitoring protocols are based on Environment Canada’s Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network standards; called CABIN for short. These standards are used across Canada and all partner groups have trained, accredited CABIN people. The training involves a series of online courses followed up with a 2-day accreditation field school. The CBWQ has been primarily funded by Columbia Basin Trust since 2007. This project would not be possible without the continuing funding from the Trust. The project would not be possible with short-term incremental funding. The purpose of the CBWQ website is to provide public access to project data. The Data includes: Water Chemistry; Velocity and Flow; Temperature Graphs; Reports
Information Type Project
Regional Watershed Kootenay River; Columbia River
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status On-going
Contact Name
Contact Email [email protected]