Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1640
Citation Braul, I., J. Desrosiers and M. Watson (2011) An Analysis of Downstream Changes in Temperature, Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids of the Illecillewaet River and Asulkan Brook in Glacier National Park, B.C.,
Organization University of Victoria
URL http://www.geog.uvic.ca/dept2/faculty/smithd/477/2011/2011Asulkan.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The objective of this study was to measure changes in temperature, total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC) of the Illecillewaet River and the Asulkan Brook moving downstream from their respective glaciers. These parameters were measured at several locations along the Illecillewaet River and the Asulkan Brook progressing downstream towards the Meeting of the Waters. The measures of temperature remained constant between the Asulkan and the Illecillewaet and did not dramatically change moving downstream. The Asulkan Brooke demonstrated few changes in EC moving downstream whereas the Illecillewaet River had increasing measures of EC moving downstream. TDS followed a similar trend as EC for both the Asulkan and the Illecillewaet. The Asulkan Brook showed fairly consistent and high TDS values and while values for the Illecillewaet River were lower, they increased downstream. These results suggest that the Asulkan receives the bulk of its dissolved solids further upstream. The processes by which this happens are unclear but are considered different for the Illecillewaet River. At the Illecillewaet study sites, contamination was lower; however, the downstream increase in EC and TDS indicates weathering processes as a source for dissolved ions. The implications for this study include future resource management and understanding environmental consequences of climate and human impacts.
Information Type Report
Regional Watershed Illecillewaet River
Sub-watershed if known Asulkan Brook
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