Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Liggett, J., P. Lapcevic and K. Miller; 2011; A Guide to the Use of Intrinsic Aquifer Vulnerability Mapping; MFLNRO and CVRD; 66p
Organization FLNRO; CVRD
URL http://cvrd.bc.ca/DocumentCenter/Home/View/7838
Abstract/Description or Keywords Examples of uses of the intrinsic vulnerability maps in land use planning and source water protection, using the South Cowichan area of Vancouver Island as an example. In this example the intrinsic vulnerability is combined with potential sources of contamination (hazards) to develop a series of levels of hydrogeological reporting requirements for new development permits or zoning applications. The intrinsic vulnerability maps are also combined with previously mapped well capture zones. Monitoring and reporting requirements of existing developments can also be related to the level of intrinsic vulnerability and land-use type for the ongoing protection of groundwater resources in the community.
Information Type Report
Regional Watershed Vancouver Island South
Sub-watershed if known
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