Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Wood, L., Smith, D.J., and Demuth, M.N. 2011. Extending the Place Glacier mass balance record to AD 1585, using tree-rings and wood density. Quaternary Research 76(3):305-313.
Organization Uvic
URL http://www.geog.uvic.ca/dept/uvtrl/QR2011.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords Recognizing that climate influences both annual tree-ring growth and glacier mass balance, changes in the mass
balance of Place Glacier, British Columbia, were documented from increment core records. Annually resolved ringwidth
(RW), maximum (MXD), and mean density (MD) chronologies were developed from Engelmann spruce
and Douglas-fir trees sampled at sites within the surrounding region. A snowpack record dating to AD 1730 was
reconstructed using a multivariate regression of spruce MD and fir RW chronologies. Spruce MXD and RW
chronologies were used to reconstruct winter mass balance (Bw) for Place Glacier to AD 1585. Summer mass
balance (Bs) was reconstructed using the RW chronology from spruce, and net balance was calculated from Bw
and Bs. The reconstructions provide insight into the changes that snowpack and mass balance have undergone in
the last 400 years, as well as identifying relationships to air temperature and circulation indices in southern British
Columbia. These changes are consistent with other regional mass-balance reconstructions and indicate that the
persistent weather systems characterizing large scale climate-forcing mechanisms play a significant glaciological
role in this region. A comparison to dated moraine surfaces in the surrounding region substantiates that the massbalance
shifts recorded in the proxy data are evident in the response of glaciers throughout the region.
Information Type article
Regional Watershed Central Coast
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
Contact Name Dan Smith
Contact Email [email protected]