Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Pearson, M and Chiavaroli, LA. 2010. Harrison River Watershed Habitat Status Report. Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Organization DFO
URL https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjJzu22-NTJAhUKz2MKHYKqC7kQFggoMAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.psf.ca%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2FHarrison%252520Habitat%252520Status%252520Document%252520-%252520Final%252520-%252520Balance%252520Ecological%252520May%2525202010_81.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEyAqaxkOBDXJ4YlBcjluNcxSWJ4A&sig2=5zs6364QEqQbtUzado6zRg&bvm=bv.109910813,d.cGc
Abstract/Description or Keywords Fisheries! and! Oceans! Canada! adopted! the! Wild! Salmon! Policy! (WSP)! for! the! conservation! of! wild! Pacific!
Salmon!in! 2005,!with! the! overall!goal! of! restoring!and!maintaining!healthy!and! diverse! salmon! populations!
and! their! habitats.! Strategy! 2! of! WSP! requires! the! assessment! of! habitats! associated! with! salmon!
Conservation! Units! (CUs).! The! purpose! of! this! document! is! to! summarize! the! habitat! conditions! impacting!
salmon! CUs! in! the! Lower! Harrison! River! Watershed! (LHW),! to! select! habitat! indicators! appropriate! to! the!
The! Lower! Harrison! Watershed! is! the! southernmost! and! downstream! portion! of! the! 8,324! km2
! Harrison[
Lillooet! watershed.! Nine! salmon! Conservation! Units! are! known! to! occupy! 32! named! habitats! in! the!
identification!of!high[value!habitat!were!determined! from! the! Province!of!British!Columbia!Integrated!Land!
in! multiple! sub[habitats,! information! was! organized! geographically.! Interviews! were! conducted! with! DFO!
It! was! beyond! the! scope! of! this! project! to! analyze! raw! data! to! inform! habitat! conditions,! but! we! have!
identified! available! raw! data! that! can! be! compiled! into! useful! habitat! status! indicators.! Land! cover! data! is!
and! Oceans! Canada,! however! new! water! licenses! have! been! sought! or! obtained! by! independent! power!
producers! (IPPs)! on! several! streams! in! the! LHW,! which! will! impact! flow! patterns! in! affected! streams.! LHW!
the! watershed,! the! southern! portion! is! recipient! to! non[point! and! point[source! pollution.! Long[term!
temperature! data! is! available! from!six! habitats;! where! compiled,! temperature! data! consistently! indicated!
summer! temperatures! at! levels! stressful! to! fish.! Tipella! Creek! was! the! only! drainage! in! which! known!
temperature!data!did!not!show!stressful!summer!temperatures. Eleven!high[value!salmon!streams!in!the!LHW!
the! LHW! all! maintain! adequate! or! good! low! flow! summer! habitat.! Sakwi! Creek! is! the! most! vulnerable! to!
The!most! severe!limiting! factors!in! the!Harrison!Watershed! result! from!excessive! forest! harvesting!and! the!
related! channel! instability,! road! density,! riparian! removal,! and! water! temperatures! increases.! Impacts!
predicted! due! to! climate! change! will! further! affect! water! temperatures! and! flows,! reducing! the! availability!
Forest!harvest!is! the!most!significant!land!use!in! the!LHW,!and!information! regarding!percent!of!watershed!
of! completed! and! planned! forest! harvest,! and! should! be! approached! to! access! the! data! for! analysis.! By!
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Lower Fraser
Sub-watershed if known Harrison River
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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