Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 990
Citation Jensen, EV. 2010. Temporal coherence of nutrients and implications for understanding British Columbia lake water quality variation. MSc Thesis. UBC Okanagan.
Organization UBCO
URL https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/29248/ubc_2010_spring_jensen_ernest.pdf?sequence=1
Abstract/Description or Keywords Temporal coherence, or the degree to which lakes behave similarly through time,
provides new insights into the relationship between extrinsic drivers such as climate,
and synchronous variation in lake variables at scales beyond the individual lake and
catchment. A review of relevant literature suggests coherence of nutrients is highest
among proximate pairs of short water residence time lakes within a common drainage
path. High connectivity and short water residence times reduce the potential for
catchment and lake specific alteration of the discharge signal. Few studies to date have
explored coherence of total nitrogen and total phosphorus among lakes. To evaluate
nutrient coherence among British Columbia (BC) lakes, I assembled spring estimates
of total nitrogen and total phosphorus values over the period 1977 to 2007 for twentysix
lakes. To optimize coherence, I utilized a depth composite mean from a single deep
site on lakes with at least 10 years of spring data. All lakes occur in catchments with
varying degrees of anthropogenic disturbance and reflect a broad range of lake
morphology and climatic conditions in both coastal and interior areas of BC. I
explored the potential for climate to cause nutrient coherence by determining whether
discharge was synchronous among nearby drainages, and whether lake nutrient
variability was dependent on antecedent catchment discharge. Subsequently, I tested
whether nutrient coherence was dependent on lake-pair proximity, similarity in lake
water residence time, or lake fertility. Temporal coherence was calculated as the
average Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r). Discharge was found to be highly
coherent, particularly among streams in southern BC, over distances of several
hundred kilometers. Temporal coherence of total nitrogen among lakes at all spatial
scales was very weak but positive. Coherence was greater and positive for total
phosphorus. Phosphorus coherence was not dependent on lake pair proximity, and
dependence on water residence time was limited to coastal lakes. Temporal coherence
of phosphorus was significantly greater for oligo-mesotrophic lakes than eutrophic
lakes across significant spatial scales. These findings should be considered when
interpreting lake response to local stressors and setting lake management targets. watre quality, nutrients
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