Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 769
Citation Grant, SCH, MacDonald, BL, Cone, TE, Holt, CA, Cass, A, Porszt, Hume, JMB, Pon, LB. 2011. Evaluation of uncertainty in Fraser sockeye (Onchorhynchus nerka) Wild Salmon Policy status using abundance and trends in abundance metrics. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Document 2011/087.
Organization DFO
URL http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/344553.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Wild Salmon Policy (WSP) goal is モto restore
and maintain healthy salmon populations and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of the
people of Canada in perpetuityヤ (Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2005). In order to achieve this
goal, the WSP outlines a number of strategies, including ムStrategy 1: standardized monitoring of
wild salmon statuses', which is the subject of this paper. In the current paper, Fraser Sockeye
(Oncorhynchus nerka) conservation units (CUs) from ムWSP Action Step 1.1: the identification of
conservation units' are used to update ムAction Step 1.2: the development of criteria to assess
CUs and identify benchmarks to represent biological statuses', and to address ムAction Step 1.3:
CU status assessment', for the 22 current CUs and two de novo ムCUs'. Using a previously
developed toolkit for CU status assessment (Holt et al. 2009; Holt 2009), abundance
benchmarks (unique to each CU) were estimated for each CU with stock-recruitment data, and
trends in abundance upper and lower benchmarks (common across all CUs) were modified to
apply to Fraser Sockeye. These benchmarks were used to delineate the three WSP biological
status zones (Red, Amber, and Green). Abundance benchmarks were estimated across a range
of stock-recruitment models, including the standard Ricker model that assumes constant
productivity and other Ricker model forms that assume time varying productivity. Consideration
of time varying productivity in the estimation of abundance benchmarks was important since
most Fraser Sockeye CUs have exhibited systematic declines in productivity over recent
decades (Grant et al. 2011) and extirpation risk can increase when a CUs productivity is linearly
decreasing or low (Holt 2009; Holt and Bradford 2011). Abundance benchmarks were also
estimated across a range of probability levels to reflect uncertainty in the estimation process.
Estimates of a CU's spawner abundances at maximum juvenile production (Smax) were also
updated and used as carrying capacity priors in Ricker models, where available and
appropriate. In the evaluation of status using the abundance metric, both the geometric and
arithmetic means of the recent CU abundance were compared against benchmarks. Since
multiple metrics (one abundance and three trends in abundance metrics, depending on the CU)
and uncertainty in abundance benchmarks are presented in the current paper, statuses for a
single CU can comprise all three WSP status zones. Status integration will be explored in future processes and publications. salmonids, spawning
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