Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 679
Citation Fraser Basin Council. 2013. Nicola Lake Action Plan.
Organization Fraser Basin Council
URL http://www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/_Library/TR/nicola_lake_plan_june-20-2013.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords More than 70 people attended a public meeting in Merritt on September 19, 2012 to share
information on the current state of Nicola Lake & visions of the Lake in the future. The meeting was
designed to gather feedback on issues or concerns about the Lake and to use that information as the
basis to develop a planning process and short term Action Plan for the Lake. The meeting helped to
develop relationships and engage all orders of government (federal, provincial, local and first
nations), landowners, industry sectors, and the public around common issues on Nicola Lake.
The outcome of the public meeting was the establishment of the Nicola Lake Working Group (NLWG)
and a list of issues to address including invasive aquatic species, water quality, foreshore
development, recreation, and addressing some recommendations from the Nicola Water Use
Management Plan. The Nicola Lake Working Group was tasked with preparing a draft Action Plan,
including short term management recommendations for Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM), to bring back
to the public in spring 2013 for feedback, comment, and endorsement. The Working Group would
then be disbanded and the future governance would be decided at the spring meeting.
The draft Action Plan was presented at a public meeting on June 8, 2013 for feedback and
endorsement. Comments and feedback have been added into the final version of the Action Plan.
The inter-jurisdictional context of the Action Plan is such that the priorities, issues, and concerns
raised by the public are either the responsibility of many orders of government, the responsibility of
none, or the capacity to deliver on a given responsibility has declined. Either way, the issues
identified require a collaborative approach that involves cooperation of all orders of government,
industry sectors, and interest groups.
The geographic context of the Action Plan is to focus on Nicola Lake and the immediate foreshore,
recognizing that land-based activities upstream in the watershed will impact the Lake and
downstream impacts will stretch from the Lake to Spences Bridge and beyond.
Funding for this plan is secured for 2013; long term funding is not secured. External funding sources,
taxation or the creation of a regional district service are options that have been identified. If long
term funding becomes available, the long term planning concepts in section 6.0 should be
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Nicola
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status ongoing
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