Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 678
Citation Fraser Basin Council. 2012. Summary Report - Eighth Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop: February 28-29, 2010, Cache Creek BC. Fraser Basin Council and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Organization Fraser Basin Council
URL http://www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/_Library/TR/tr_workshop_summary_interior_stewardship_2012.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The 8th annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop was held in Cache Creek and co-hosted
by the Bonaparte Watershed Stewardship Society. The workshop was a great success with
record attendance of 83 people.
Following the format from previous years, the workshop included sessions for networking
and making new connections amongst the stewards, training and capacity-building, a tour,
and celebrating and sharing successes. The agenda featured presentations from three BC
Interior community-based stewardship organizations, an update from the provincial
Farmland Riparian Interface Stewardship Program of BC Cattlemen's Association, an update
from the Salmon Enhancement Habitat Advisory Board, and a presentation from the
Stewardship Centre for BC. Two educational sessions were delivered, including one on
effectively integrating stewardship with educators and youth and another on organization
and governance tips for stewardship organizations. The tour for this year's workshop had a
sustainable waste management theme: participants visited the Cache Creek landfill, the
Ashcroft waste water treatment plant, as well as the Ashcroft public pool and Bonaparte
restoration sites. A highlight of the workshop was the presentation of the BC Interior
Stewardship Award for Ecosystem Excellence to Harold Ridgway, past-president of the Bonaparte
Watershed Stewardship Society.
A comprehensive summary report of workshops sessions follows on the succeeding pages,
in the order that they were conducted. watershed management, stewardship
Information Type report
Regional Watershed All
Sub-watershed if known
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Project status complete
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