Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 612
Citation Eyles, N. and Mullins, H.T., 1997, Seismic-stratigraphy of Shuswap Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, 109: 283-303.
Organization Sedimentary Geology journal
URL http://www.researchgate.net/publication/223247179_Seismic-stratigraphy_of_Shuswap_Lake_British_Columbia_Canada
Abstract/Description or Keywords Shuswap Lake is a glacially-over-deepened ムfiord lake'. Single-channel seismic reflection data, identifies a tripartite infill stratigraphy up to 800 m thick preserved in bedrock basins eroded as much as 298 m below sea level. A similar tripartite stratigraphy is exposed in nearby outcrops along the valley of the South Thompson River and allows interpretation of age and depositional settings for the infill identified on seismic records. In Shuswap Lake, the lowermost seismic-stratigraphic sequence (SSSI), up to 407 m thick, shows chaotic seismic facies with large-scale diffractions and fills axial parts of V-shaped bedrock basins. Outcrop data suggest that this sequence consists of subaqueously-deposited, ice-contact silts, sands and gravels deposited in a deep (1 km?) ice-frontal lake during late Wisconsin deglaciation (ca. 10 ka).
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