Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 553
Citation EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. 1999. Interim Interior Watershed Assessment Procedure, Upper Creighton Creek and Ferry Creek. Prepared for Tolko Industries Ltd.
Organization Tolko Industries
URL http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=8238
Abstract/Description or Keywords At the request of Ian Widdows, of Tolko Industries Ltd. (Tolko), EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. (EBA) was retained to conduct an Interim Interior Watershed Assessment Procedure (IWAP), for the Upper Creighton Creek and Ferry Creek Watersheds. Tolko reported the Department of Fisheries and Oceans had requested that an IWAP be completed to asses the possibility that forestry developments in the upper watersheds were impacting anadromous fisheries and recent channel instabilities on private lands, lower in the watersheds. Data on the actual occurrences of fish in the watersheds is sparse, but a fish inventory is currently being carried out for all the study areas. This assessment generally followed the suggested guidelines for watershed assessments in the Standards Agreement for the Interim Interior Watershed Assessment Procedure, Watershed Restoration Program, 1998. The object was to assess the current watershed condition relative to impacts of forest development, and potential impacts of proposed future development. It consists of three parts; the watershed report card, a sediment source survey, and a reconnaissance channel assessment. Please find the attached maps for Creighton, Ferry and Bonneau Creeks. watershed assessment, channel assessment, water supply, water quality
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Shuswap
Sub-watershed if known Creighton Creek, Ferry and Bonneau Creek
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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