Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 364
Citation Cohen, SJ. N.d. Regional assessment of climate change impacts in Canada: Okanagan case study.
Organization Environment Canada
URL http://projects.upei.ca/climate/files/2012/10/Book-5_Paper-9.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords A collaborative study on climate change and water management in the
Okanagan region of British Columbia, Canada, has been underway for several years. An
interdisciplinary approach is used, incorporating participatory processes as part of the
research on regional adaptation experiences and consideration of future responses. Results
of hydrologic and water demand research efforts indicate that future climate changes are
likely to result in reduced water supply, increased water demand, and an increased frequency
of high risk years in which high demand and low supply occur concurrently. The region has
experienced droughts in recent years, and several communities and water purveyors have
initiated measures to manage water demand. Future climate change will require a portfolio
of supply and demand measures, and need to be considered as part of a basin-wide strategy
that integrates with regional development plans.
Information Type article
Regional Watershed Okanagan
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
Contact Name Stewart Cohen
Contact Email [email protected]