Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 290
Citation Campbell, C and Hesketh, L. 2009. Can I restore a healthy riparian corridor. BC Cattlemen's Association.
Organization BC Cattlemen's Association
URL http://www.cattlemen.bc.ca/docs/frisp_brochure_july_20_2009.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords Farmers, ranchers, and other landowners are responsible for the management of a significant
amount of the most productive land in BC. The majority of this land is in the valley bottoms that
contain riparian corridors, which are critical for providing a healthy environment for fish and wildlife,
along with some livestock grazing. The purpose of this pamphlet is to increase landowners'
knowledge concerning the importance of watershed riparian areas to the health of streams and
rivers in British Columbia. erosion, sediment, water quality, aquatic habitat, range, grazing, restoration
Information Type report
Regional Watershed All
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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