Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 235
Citation Black Mountain Irrigation District. 2006. Status of Source Water Protection in the BC Southern Interior. Information Brief to Minister of Environment and Minister of Health.
Organization Black Mountain Irrigation District
URL http://www.bmid.ca/media/131/114_MoE_Information_Brief.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords This information brief comes to the Minister as a result of recent events that have taken place in
the BC Interior related to water supply and source water protection. The information presented
within this brief is intended to provide the Ministers with an assessment of the on-the-ground
conditions that the water suppliers face within the BC Southern Interior.
The Black Mountain Irrigation District is an Improvement District and follows the legislation for
Improvement Districts set out in the Local Government Act. BMID has water storage reservoirs
within the upper Mission Creek watershed, which is the largest source of water to Okanagan Lake.
BMID considers ourself stewards of 561 square kilometers of the Mission Creek Watershed above
our intake on Mission Creek. BMID operates upper elevation storage reservoirs and releases water
to the creek for our users and to maintain fish habitat flows downstream. With a service population
of 21,000 and 5,000 acres of agriculture, BMID is the largest stakeholder dependant on Mission
Creek. BMID controls the flow rates in the creek, yet have no jurisdiction to protect the watershed
from being damaged. For this, we rely on the Provincial legislation and staff.
Our primary concerns are that the safety of our water sources is maintained at the highest possible
level, and that the safety of water supplied to the public is also at the highest possible level.
erosion, range, water quality, recreation, flood, sediment, water supply
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Okanagan
Sub-watershed if known Mission Creek
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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