Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 197
Citation BC Ministry of Health. Drinking Water Quality.
Organization Ministry of Health
URL http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/protect/dw_index.html
Abstract/Description or Keywords The purpose of the Drinking Water Program is to:

Develop provincial legislation, guidelines and policies on drinking water.
Ensure that drinking water interests are considered in broader government policy and administration.
Act as a resource for health authorities to help provide a consistent approach to the administration of the Drinking Water Protection Act and the Drinking Water Protection Regulation.
Facilitate the coordination of provincial drinking water training initiatives.
Liaise and coordinate provincial initiatives that may impact drinking water, and consult with drinking water suppliers, educational providers, water associations and other stakeholders on current drinking water issues.
Information Type website
Regional Watershed All
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status ongoing
Contact Name Various
Contact Email http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/protect/dw_ha_contacts.html