Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1866
Citation Urban Systems Ltd. 2006. The Completion of the Nicola Lake Dam Project: Technical Feasibility Study. Prepared for Nicola Stock Breeders Association.
Organization NWCRT
URL http://www.nwcrt.org/downloads/2006-03-niclkdam-techfeasstudy-mgmtsum-rep-FINALDRAF..pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The report provides a history of the building of the current dam, explains why it was not completed, and discusses and evaluates the engineering options for completing the Nicola Dam. The purpose of the study, which was carried out by Urban Systems Ltd., was to conduct an objective assessment of the feasibility of dam completion. Technical engineering factors, impacts and technical financial /economic analysis were the criteria selected to determine feasibility. The report also outlines a way forward, the benefits from dam completion and the social, environmental financial and economic considerations that will have to be weighed in deciding whether or not to move forward with implementing the recommended engineering option. watershed assessment, watershed management, water supply, environmental flow needs, EFN, salmonids, stream temperature
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Nicola
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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