Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1864
Citation Urban Systems Ltd. 2004. Charting our water future: Overview of Workshop Results, December 2004. Prepared for Nicola Watershed Community Round Table.
Organization NWCRT
URL http://www.nwcrt.org/downloads/Charting%20Our%20Water%20Future%20Wshop.PDF
Abstract/Description or Keywords The report's author is Gerry Tonn of Urban Systems Ltd. who facilitated the workshop. The report summarizes the discussions that took place around water issues, vision and goals for the future of the Nicola basin, knowledge gaps and next steps. The report includes a list of all the workshop participants, the names of the presenters and the titles of their presentations. climate change, watershed assessment, watershed management, water supply, water quantity
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Nicola
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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