Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1847
Citation Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. 1996. Seton River Instream Flow Study. Prepared for BC Hydro.
Organization BC Hydro
URL http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=42080
Abstract/Description or Keywords The Seton River project, completed in 1956, diverts water from Seton Lake to the Fraser River, affecting flows in the Seton River. A fisheries maintenance flow has been released since the dam was completed, but the flow volume and timing has been based on professional judgment alone, and has not yet been corroborated by quantitative methods. In this study the existing flow release regime from Seton Dam was evaluated by calculating the relationship between instream flow and fish habitat, standing stock, and fish production. The research hypothesis examined was that increased flow will increase fish abundance, and the null hypothesis was that increased flow will not increase fish abundance (i.e. fish abundance will stay the same or decrease). low flow, environmental flow needs
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Fraser
Sub-watershed if known Seton River
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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