Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1791
Citation Toews. MW., Whitfield, PH, Allen, DM. 2005. Modeling the effect of regional and local precipitation events on groundwater recharge. In: Abstracts with Program, vol. 37, Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, p. 359, 16-19 October 2005.
Organization SFU
URL http://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=h8bDhYkAAAAJ&citation_for_view=h8bDhYkAAAAJ:IjCSPb-OGe4C
Abstract/Description or Keywords Water in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, is recognized as a limited resource that may become unsustainable within a few decades due to population expansion and climate change. The valley has an arid climate due to the rainshadow effect caused by the Coast Mountains (median precipitation is 280 mm/year). Groundwater recharge within the Okanagan Valley depends on many factors, including the infiltration rate, which itself, depends on the precipitation rate.
Information Type article
Regional Watershed Okanagan
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer # 193; 254; 255; 256; 257
Project status complete
Contact Name Diana Allen
Contact Email [email protected]