Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1697
Citation Summit Environmental Consultants Ltd. 2004. Final Report - Trepanier Landscape Unit Water Management Plan, Volume 1: Text. Regional District of Central Okanagan.
Organization RDCO
URL http://www.waterbucket.ca/okw/sites/wbcokw/documents/media/27.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords water supply, watershed management, hydrology, water use, aquatic habitat, climate change; This executive summary presents the key findings from an analysis of current and predicted (2020 and 2050) water conditions in the Trepanier Landscape Unit (TLU) (Lambly, McDougall, Powers, Trepanier, and Peachland Creeks). Population and land use, climate and hydrology, water supply, demand, and pricing, water quality and fisheries, and management issues were all investigated and summarized. Climate change and population growth scenarios (as suggested by the RDCO) were also modeled using three GCM's and the UBC watershed model. The main results of the study found: the rates of water use in the TLU are double the BC average, while prices are relatively low; streamflows in the summer and fall downstream of water intakes are often lower than recommended fisheries flows; current streamflows have been reduced by 13% from historic flows because of withdrawls; total water use is predicted to increase by 41% (2020) and 91% (2050) from population increases, while including climate change, water use increases to 55% (2020) and 128% (2050), relative to conditions in 2003. Recommendations suggest incorporating demand-side and supply-side management approaches including water reduction targets, universal metering, regulations, operational improvements, increased groundwater use and pumping from Okanagan Lake, and new storage additions.
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Okanagan
Sub-watershed if known Trepanier Creek
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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