Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1512
Citation Reid Crowther. 1996. Seven Peaks Environmental Baseline Audit: Shingle Creek, Hedley Creek, Keremeos Creek. Prepared for BC Ministry of Environment.
Organization Ministry of Environment
URL http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=23876
Abstract/Description or Keywords Reid Crowther was retained by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks to prepare an environmental baseline audit of the Seven Peaks Area. The purpose of the baseline audit is to provide sufficient infonnation of the study area to allow managers to evaluate future development proposals and to understand the interactions between natural processes and human land uses. It appears that the Seven Peaks Area is not experiencing the conflicts of urbanization as severely as the Southern Interior as a whole, however, there are special conflicts with the Aboriginal people who have blockaded roads leading to the Apex Mountain Resort over the past several winters. Also, the issues associated with urbanization could change with the completion of Apex Mountain Resorts Master Plan which would more than double the size of the existing facility. The recreational pressures exerted by people from out side of the area are likely to increase rather than decrease in the future. The conflicts between wildlife and agriculture are also not likely to decrease in the future as both land uses compete for valley bottoms and alpine grassland. There is potential for water use and water quality issues to be exacerbated in the future. The fishery resource, although closely managed, is stressed through loss of habitat and declining populations.
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Similkameen
Sub-watershed if known Shingle Creek, Hedley Creek, Keremeos Creek
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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