Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1490
Citation Rayne, S and Henderson, G. 2004. Airborne thermal infrared remote sensing of stream and riparian temperatures in the Nicola River watershed, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Environmental Hydrology 12(14)
Organization Tolko Industries
URL http://www.hydroweb.com/jeh/jeh2004/rayne.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords Airborne thermal remotely sensed images of riparian and water surface temperatures were
acquired at 12 sites in the Nicola River watershed of south-central British Columbia, Canada,
using a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) camera. Ground-truth observations to correlate
radiant (Tr
) versus kinetic (Tk
) water temperatures were performed at 3 sites and showed an
accuracy of ᄆ0.4ᄚC. Landscape and water thermograms obtained at 3 representative sites in
the study area were analyzed and revealed apparent thermal landscape-water interactions
contributing to the observed spatial heterogeneity in stream temperatures. However, a critical
analysis of remotely sensed stream heating patterns revealed that approximated solar energy
inputs and conduction from adjacent streambanks and the atmosphere could only account for
ca. 0.5% of the apparent required heat influx in some locations, suggesting imaging
interference by emissive radiation from the exposed land surfaces. Pixel mixing of land and
water surface temperatures was also found to be a potential interferant in narrow braided
channels with widths near the resolution of the camera (0.15-0.5 m). The utility of the method
for assessing mixing in and between riverine systems was also shown. Overall, aerial remote
sensing of stream and riparian surface temperatures appears to be a promising technology for
assessing spatial heterogeneity, and may be useful in conjunction with conventional in-stream
methods as part of a hybrid spatial-temporal observing system for aquatic management,
provided further work is performed to validate observed temperatures near exposed streambanks,
in vegetation shadows, and other areas where emissive interference may be problematic. stream temperature, water quality, salmonids
Information Type article
Regional Watershed Nicola
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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