Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1352
Citation Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd. 2010. Integrated Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Shuswap Lakes, BC. Prepared for the Fraser Basin Council.
Organization Fraser Basin Council
URL http://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/acat/public/viewReport.do?reportId=34731
Abstract/Description or Keywords Shuswap Lake, Little Shuswap, Adams and Mara lakes are the centerpiece of the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the Shuswap basin. They collectively support a thriving tourism industry and an expanding residential and commercial property market. Shuswap Lake is the centre of Canadas houseboat industry, the nursery lake for the world famous Adams River sockeye salmon and the source of drinking water for several local communities and hundreds of lakeshore residents. A five year comprehensive monitoring program is outlined to monitor the known and emerging threats to drinking water quality and aquatic ecosystem health in Shuswap and Mara lakes, and the surrounding tributaries. The program builds on the current Ministry of Environment monitoring program, and must address the immediate known concerns from eutrophication, grey water discharges and urban and agricultural. runoff, as well as assess the significance of emerging threats to sources of drinking water and aquatic ecosystem health. This new program is estimated to range in cost from $148,574 in Year 1 to $118,200 in Years 4 and 5, assuming MOE provides a sampling crew, seaworthy vessel and monitoring equipment, and prepares the annual State-of-the-Iakes report. water quality, monitoring
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Shuswap
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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