Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1260
Citation Miles, J. 2009. Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Actual Water Use in Vernon and Kelowna. Prepared for the Okanagan Basin Water Board.
Organization OBWB
URL http://www.obwb.ca/obwrid/docs/337_2009_Residential%20ICI%20actual%20use%20(Miles).pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The purpose of this report is to provide detailed water use estimates for the
residential (indoor) and ICI (Institutional, Commercial, Industrial) water use
sectors based on actual water use where it has been recorded through water
meters in the Okanagan Basin.
This report builds on previous work completed as part of the Okanagan Water
Supply and Demand Project (OWSDP). As agricultural, golf course, and similar
outdoor water uses have already been examined through the OWSDP, more
detailed water use values for the indoor use sectors are required to support the
Okanagan Basin Water Balance Model being developed concurrently through the
OWSDP. Previous reports have provided estimates of actual water use for these
two key sectors based on assumptions provided by experts. This report attempts
to verify those assumptions and improve data reliability by reporting actual water
use where it has been recorded by water purveyors. water supply, water use, allocation
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Okanagan
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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