Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1113
Citation Langsdale, S, Beall, A, Carmichael, J, Cohen, S and Forster, C. 2007. An exploration of water resources futures under climate change using system dynamics modelling. The Integrated Assessment Journal 7:51-79.
Organization SFU
URL http://journals.sfu.ca/int_assess/index.php/iaj/article/viewFile/255/230
Abstract/Description or Keywords Results from an integrated assessment of water resources in the Okanagan
Basin in south-central British Columbia, Canada, show that climate
change will both reduce water supply and increase water demand, leading
to more frequent and more severe water shortages than in the recent
historic record. Competing uses of water are primarily agricultural irrigation
(orchards, cropland, pasture, and vineyards), residential, and ecological
(includes salmonids). The region is semi-arid and the agriculturallybased
economy is particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change.
The model characterizes a region that is 7500 km2
and simulates using a
monthly timestep. Scenarios are derived through 2069 using downscaled
climate model results coupled with watershed modeling studies, as well
as studies that linked crop water and urban demands to climate. The model enables users to explore plausible future supply and demand scenarios
(agricultural, residential and instream flow demands) while evaluating
strategies for adapting to future climate change. In the simulated
worst case scenario, the combined effect of future climate change and population
growth could cause annual water deficits (historically experienced
once every 10 years) to become increasingly frequent by the 2050's time
periodラperhaps every 2 out of 3 years annually. During the dry month
of August, when demand is high, shortages could occur every 1 out of
2 years. An adaptation scenario with moderate levels of conservation is
tested and shows minor improvements from the no adaptation scenario.
Further study is required to explore the potential of adaptation on reducing
future water deficit.
Information Type article
Regional Watershed Okanagan
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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