Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2474
Citation Petticrew, E.L. and J.F. Rex. (2006) The importance of temporal changes in gravel-stored fine sediment on habitat conditions in a salmon spawning stream, in Sediment Dynamics and the Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems (Eds) J.S. Rowan, R.W. Duck and A. Werritty. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Press, 306: 434-441.
Organization University of Northern British Columbia
URL http://www.unbc.ca/sites/default/files/assets/ellen_petticrew/petticrew_and_rex.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords Sediment (<2 mm and <75 _m) was collected in a productive sockeye spawning stream in northern British Columbia, Canada, using infiltration gravel bags from the pre-spawn through to the post-spawning period of 2002. As much of the gravel-stored fine sediment (<75 _m) exists as larger, aggregated particles composed of inorganic and organic matter, their quantity, structure, composition and settling behaviour were assessed. The goal was to evaluate the temporal changes in the gravel-stored fine sediment in the context of: (a) fish activity (i.e. active spawning and die-off) and (b) inter-gravel oxygen concentrations which reflect the habitat quality. Infiltration rates of <2 mm sediment increased with stream discharge and fish redd construction. The finer (<75 _m) sediment exhibited lower infiltration rates during the peak of fish spawning activity indicating successful reduction of this sediment fraction. Inter-gravel oxygen concentration decreased 18% over the period of active spawning and salmon die-off, but recovery occurred later. Aggregate particle size and density changes were explained by the physical action of spawning fish and the inter-gravel microbial activity associated with increased high quality organic matter (fish decay products) which reduced inter-gravel oxygen concentrations. aggregates; dissolved oxygen; fine sediment; flocculation; gravel beds; organic matter; redds; salmon habitat
Information Type Article
Regional Watershed Fraser River
Sub-watershed if known O'Ne-eil Creek
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