Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2472
Citation Petticrew, E.L. (2006). The physical and biological influence of spawning fish on fine sediment transport and storage. pp 112-127 in Soil Erosion and Sediment Redistribution in River Catchments: measurement, modelling and management . P.N. Owens and A.J. Collins (Eds), CABI Publishers, Wallingford, UK.
Organization University of Northern British Columbia; University of Plymouth
URL http://www.unbc.ca/ellen-petticrew/publications
Abstract/Description or Keywords The physical action of large numbers of spawning salmon digging redds increases the contribution of fine sediment to the water column, enabling the transport and advection of the material that remains in suspension out of the riverine system. However, silt and clay sized particles, combined with organic matter as aggregates, exhibited increased settling velocities and when delivered to the water column, by fish digging redds, settled out of suspension over short distances. The implication of this process is that both aggregated fine sediments and their sediment-associated nutrients readily collect on and in the downstream gravels. Isotopic analyses (_13C) of the stream sediment indicated that different sources of C were sequestered into the suspended and gravel stored fines of the spring melt flood flows versus post spawning low flows. Active and post spawn sediment exhibited the largest aggregate sizes and incorporated high quality nutrients from instream decaying salmon. This suggests the importance of the biological role that the die-off has on the structure of fine sediment, and therefore the transfers and storage of this material in these fish-bearing streams. While excessive storage of fine sediment and organic matter in the gravels could be deleterious to egg growth, the retention of some nutrients may not necessarily be problematic, as it could enhance stream productivity at both primary and secondary levels.
Information Type Article
Regional Watershed Fraser River
Sub-watershed if known O'Ne-eil Creek
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