Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2155
Citation Johnston, N. T., E. A. MacIsaac, P. J. Tschaplinski, and K. J. Hall. 2004. Effects of the abundance of spawning sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) on nutrients and algal biomass in forested streams. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 61: 384 - 403.
Organization Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Simon Fraser University; Ministry of Forests; University of British Columbia
URL http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/f03-172
Abstract/Description or Keywords We used natural variation in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) spawner biomass among sites and years in three undisturbed, forested watersheds in interior British Columbia to test the hypotheses that salmon were a major source of particulate organic matter inputs to the streams and that carcass biomass determined stream-water nutrient concentrations and epilithic algal production. Sockeye carcasses were retained at the spawning sites, primarily (75–80%) by large woody debris (LWD) or pools formed by LWD. The abundance and distribution of sockeye salmon determined stream-water nutrient concentrations and epilithic chlorophyll a concentrations during late summer and early fall when most primary production occurred in the oligotrophic streams. Periphyton accrual rates were elevated at sites with high salmon biomass. Peak chlorophyll a concentration increased with increasing carcass biomass per unit discharge above a threshold value to reach maxima 10-fold greater than ambient levels. Epilithic algae were dominated by a few common, large diatom taxa. Salmon carcasses were the dominant source of particulate organic carbon in low gradient stream reaches. Nutrient budget modeling indicated that most of the salmon-origin nutrients were exported from the spawning streams or removed to the terrestrial ecosystem; diffuse impacts may extend over a much larger area than simply the sites used for spawning.
Information Type Article
Regional Watershed Middle River
Sub-watershed if known Bivouac Creek; Forfar Creek; Gluskie Creek
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