Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1981
Citation Fraser Basin Council. 2016. Towards and Healthy Nechako: Nechako Watershed Strategy - Version 1. Prepared for Nechako Watershed Roundtable.
Organization Nechako Watershed Roundtable
URL http://www.refbc.com/sites/default/files/Nechako%20Watershed%20Strategy-31Oct2016-FINAL.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The health of the Nechako watershed is critical to the long-term social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of all its residents. Yet, this system faces a number of significant challenges. The changing climate has contributed to the mountain pine beetle epidemic and other adverse impacts; the iconic Nechako White Sturgeon have become an endangered species; creeks and streams throughout the watershed have degraded; and the diversion of water out of the Nechako River system continues to impact many aspects of watershed health. Many projects and initiatives are underway to address these issues; however, there is a need for improved coordination and more effective sharing of knowledge and other resources. The Nechako Watershed Roundtable (NWR) was established in 2015 to address this need for collaboration and to develop a strategy to further advance the vision of a healthy Nechako. This report represents the first version of the Nechako Watershed Strategy. It builds on the findings of a Nechako Watershed Health Report and online atlas – completed in 20151 - which compiled and analyzed available information to characterize the state of the watershed. The Strategy process added to these findings by engaging communities and technical advisors to discuss the issues and concerns they were observing and to propose actions to address those concerns.
Information Type Report
Regional Watershed Nechako River
Sub-watershed if known
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