Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 1527
Citation Albertson, Olin (2014) Stoney Creek Preliminary Watershed Health Assessment, Avision Management Services. Prepared for Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nechako Environment & Watershed Stewardship Society.
Organization Department of Fisheries and Oceans; Nechako Environment & Water Stewardship Society
URL http://www.newssociety.org/pdf/Stoney/Stoney%20Creek_Preliminary%20Watershed%20Health%20Assesment.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords In the fall of 2013 the Department of Fisheries and Oceans funded the Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society (NEWSS) to initiate a watershed health assessment in the Stoney Creek watershed. Work on this project in began in October 2013 by initially identifying 9 crossings that may potential be barriers to fish. Of these 9 crossings, 6 were culverts and were assessed using the guidelines from the BC Ministry of Environment’s “Field Assessment for Determining Fish Passage Status of Closed Bottom Structures”. Of the 6 culverts assessed, 4 were considered to be barriers to fish passage, and 2 were assessed to be potential barriers to fish passage. Additional GIS analysis identified a total of 49 crossings in the watershed. The majority of these sites are believed to be closed bottom culverts, some crossing sites do however appear to be livestock watering and crossing locations, and through stream vehicular crossings. Future work will include assessing the remaining 40 crossings for fish passage and erosion issues. A total of 353 riparian buffers in the Stoney Creek watershed were analyzed. Seventy seven (77) riparian buffers were identified as problematic meaning that out of a total of 20 possible points used in the analysis, these sites only scored between 5 and 8 total points. These are riparian buffers that are in need of improved management practices, and are likely to need some restoration projects to restore functionality. Another 10 riparian buffers were identified as unhealthy this means that out of a total of 20 possible points used in the analysis, these sites scored less than 5 points. These are riparian buffers that have a high probability of needing restoration work and improved management practices to restore functionality. Future should include developing relationships with landowners, initiating and develop prescriptions for restoration projects in riparian buffers, suggesting improved management practices in and around streams, and begin carrying out restoration projects in identified riparian buffers and streams.
Information Type Report
Regional Watershed Nechako River
Sub-watershed if known Stoney Creek
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