Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2628
Citation Resource Atlas for planning under the Atlin-Taku Framework Agreement, Version 1.5, August, 2009, Atlin-Taku Framework Agreement Implementation Project.
Organization Atlin-Taku Framework Agreement Implementation Project
URL https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/tasb/slrp/lrmp/smithers/atlin_taku/docs/resource_altas_v1.5.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords Sharing of resource information is one of the first steps in developing a common understanding of the land and its resources. With detailed resource information available, discussion of the use of the land and these resources can take place. To facilitate this sharing, The Resource Atlas for planning under the Atlin-Taku Framework Agreement has been developed. The Framework Agreement Between the Taku River Tlingit First Nation and the Province of British Columbia for Shared Decision Making Respecting Land Use and Wildlife Management was signed in March 2008. Part of the implementation of the Framework Agreement is a land use plan. The Atlas maps, and to some extent describes, the land and resource values in the Atlin-Taku area using the best available information. Data is provided for the Land Use Plan area for most maps (1-23) except the wildlife habitat suitability maps (24-34). For these maps, the data covers the larger Collaborative Fish and Wildlife Management Plan Area. Both of these areas are included in the Framework Agreement. The Atlas is intended for use by the Atlin-Taku Joint Land Forum and its support team, as well as participants at Atlin Taku multi-party workshops. It is intended to inform discussions surrounding the land use agreement. The Atlas will also be available to the general public for review with associated maps posted to the project website (http://ilmbwww.gov.bc.ca/slrp/lrmp/smithers/atlin_taku). Poster sized versions of each Atlas map have been produced and are available for more detailed reference during planning exercises (open houses and workshops) and analysis.
Information Type Mapping
Regional Watershed Taku River; Atlin River
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status
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