Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Hartman, GF, Tripp, DB and Brown, TG. 1998. Overwintering habitats and survival of juvenile salmonids in coastal streams of British Columbia. In: Hogan, D.L., P.J. Tschaplinski, and S. Chatwin (Editors). B.C. Min. For., Res. Br., Victoria, B.C. Land Manage. Handb. No. 41.
Organization FLNRO
URL https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/pubs/docs/Lmh/Lmh41.htm
Abstract/Description or Keywords Foresters and biologists involved in harvest planning
and logging operations make decisions that affect
the survival and production of salmon and trout.
Their decisions may, among other things, govern the
quality and availability of winter habitat for juvenile
fish. Because of low water temperatures and extreme
conditions of streamflow during winter, fish are
vulnerable if winter habitat is lost or degraded.
Winter is a critical period for juvenile salmonids.
Therefore, it is important for land use managers to
understand some of the behaviour and habitat needs
of young fish during the winter period.
This paper reviews the different life history
strategies observed in young salmonids in Carnation
Creek, and compares them to the life history patterns
of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the
Clearwater River, Washington. It briefly reviews the
seasonal changes in the behaviour of young coho
salmon and steelhead trout (O. mykiss) and indicates
some of the features of behaviour that help these
two species survive winter conditions. We review
information, particularly from Carnation Creek, on
habitat use and timing of seasonal redistribution
from one type of habitat to another. This paper
compares overwinter survival of juvenile coho
salmon, before and after logging, in the off-channel
habitat of Carnation Creek. It also provides estimates
of overwinter survival in the main channel
after logging.
Information on survival of coho salmon and
steelhead trout in logged and unlogged streams in
Queen Charlotte Islands permits limited comparison
of the two areas. Therefore, we compare conditions
in streams on the Queen Charlotte Islands to those
in Carnation Creek in an attempt to determine why
responses to logging were different in some respects.
We also comment on egg-to-fry survival of chum
salmon (O. keta). The spawning and incubation
periods are the only times during which chum
salmon depend upon freshwater habitats. Chum
salmon fry emigrate seaward soon after they emerge
from the streambed in spring. Because the life
history of chum salmon is very different than that of
coho salmon and trout, comparisons cannot be
made between chum fry and the juvenile stages of
the other stream-dwelling salmonids. However
chum salmon must be discussed because they
responded dramatically to logging as well as to
changes in ocean conditions. Future logging
practices must carefully consider potential impacts
on chum salmon.
Information Type Article
Regional Watershed Coast Region
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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