Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Fraser Basin Council. 2015. Collaborative watershed governance - Keys to success and current examples in BC, Discussion Paper. Fraser Basin Council.
Organization Ministry of Environment
URL http://www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/_Library/Water_BCWF/Collaborative_Watershed_Governance_Keys_to_Success_and_Case_Studies-May1-2015.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The following discussion paper focuses on exploring success factors that support collaborative
watershed governance as well as collaborative watershed governance organizations currently
active throughout the Province of BC. This project builds on a diversity of work initiated in 2008
including a series of workshops on watershed governance across BC, the development of the
Collaborative Watershed Governance Accord and research on a potential collaborative
watershed governance guidance document. Fraser Basin Council also has a long history of
facilitating, coordinating and supporting collaborative watershed governance activities on the
ground. With funding from the BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF), FBC has collated this experience
and knowledge to add to the conversation of how collaborative watershed governance
approaches can be implemented to fulfill the provisions for alternative governance
arrangements, which may be enabled through the Water Sustainability Act.
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Vancouver Island South
Sub-watershed if known Cowichan, Coquitlam, Shawnigan
Aquifer #
Project status complete
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