Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Tschaplinski, PJ. 2011. State of stream channels, fish habitats, and adjacent riparian areas: Resrouce stewardship monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of riparian management, 2005-2008. Forest & Range Evaluation PRogram, Extension Note #17, January 2011.
Organization FLNRO
URL http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/ftp/hfp/external/!publish/FREP/extension/FREP_Extension_Note_17.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords The key purpose of this extension
note is to inform resource management professionals of the
biophysical outcomes of management practices on riparian
and stream function. This information will help enhance the
knowledge on which professional advice and accountability
are based, and help inform sound decision making. riparian, aquatic habitat, salmonid, fish
Information Type report
Regional Watershed Province
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
Project status ongoing
Contact Name Peter Tschaplinski
Contact Email [email protected]