Water Stewardship Information Sources

Citation Nichols, K. 2014. Gulf Islands Groundwater Protection: A Regulatory Toolkit. Islands Trust
Organization Islands Trust
URL http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/media/259555/groundwater-toolkit.pdf
Abstract/Description or Keywords Islanders are taking voluntary actions to steward and conserve water, island organizations
educate and manage their water resources, and the Islands Trust has a strong focus on the
importance of voluntary actions to protect water quality and quantity. A sample can be viewed
here: http://www.islandstrust.bc.ca/trust-council/projects/water-resource-information-forislanders.aspx.
This project discussion paper is only about what regulatory options are available if islanders and
trustees want to proceed down the regulatory route; it is not the only route to protect
groundwater quality and quantity.
The Islands Trust Local Planning Committee (LPC) has on their work program the development
of water quality and quantity toolkit and development of a model bylaw. This report includes a
toolkit, a model Development Permit Area (DPA) bylaw and a model Development Approval
Information Area (DAI) Provisions that will assist all Local Trust Committees (LTC) in addressing
the issue of water conservation.
This report addresses options for the islands to consider in order to safe guard their water
supplies now and into the future. The protection of a safe adequate water source will remain a
priority for the Islands and will become increasingly important as the Islands continue to
develop. Reaching the full potential of water conservation requires comprehensive and longterm
strategic planning.
There is an ever increasing need to balance the water supply requirements for area growth
against future sustainability and environmental needs. The issue of water quality and quantity
has been a long standing issue on the Gulf Islands. Local Trust Committees (LTC) have
approached the issue differently from no action to developing development permit area
guidelines and specific water conservation bylaws or subdivision servicing regulations.
However, it is believed that to plan for the future of the Islands is to include the protection of
water – groundwater and surface water. Groundwater is inextricably linked to the amount of
surface water which many island ecosystems and habitats rely on which is another reason why
an island’s groundwater supply should be protected and sustainably used.
Information Type report
Regional Watershed South Gulf Islands, North Gulf Islands
Sub-watershed if known
Aquifer #
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