Water Stewardship Information Sources

ID 2150
Citation John Prince Research Forest
Organization University of Northern British Columbia; Tl'azt'en First Nation
URL http://researchforest.unbc.ca/jprf/jprf.htm
Abstract/Description or Keywords The John Prince Research Forest (JPRF) encompasses 13 032 ha of crown land in North Central BC, 50 km north of Fort St. James. The forest is situated between Tezzeron (Chuzghun) and Pinchi (Tesgha) lakes in the traditional territory of the Tl'azt'en First Nation. The research forest was established in 1999 as a result of many years of planning by the University of Northern British Columbia and the Tl'azt'en First Nation. The landscape exhibits diverse forest types and land management history and has a wide range of natural resource values and environmental conditions. This research forest is unique in North America in that it is the only research forest that is jointly managed by a University and a First Nation community. The purpose of the forest is to promote inter-disciplinary research while providing education and employment opportunities for the local community. The JPRF is comprised of two separate portions. The main portion of the forest is 12,644 ha in size and is bordered on the north by Tezzeron Lake and on the south by Pinchi Lake. A narrow limestone escarpment makes up the western boundary and the east side is an administrative boundary that runs approximately parallel tot the eastern shore of Tezzeron Lake. In addition to this main section there is a 338ha portion of the JPRF that is located on a peninsula on the west side of Tezzeron Lake. The JPRF lies in the Nechako Lowland Ecosection and is situated between two large lakes, Pinchi Lake (~ 2750 ha) and Tezzeron Lake (~ 3750ha). There are numerous small streams in the JPRF draining into both lakes totaling more than 1400km. In addition there are also many small lakes, ponds and wetlands that comprise approximately 186 ha. All lakes and streams flow into the Nechako River Watershed.
Information Type Project
Regional Watershed Nechako River
Sub-watershed if known
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